Page 2 - Reviews - Codeage, Liposomal Ovarian Inositol+, 120 Capsules - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Nov 8, 2023
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Rewarded Review

When it comes to inositol, I have found that liposomal inositol offers distinct advantages over regular inositol. One of the key reasons I choose liposomal inositol is its superior absorption. The liposomal delivery system helps protect the inositol molecules, ensuring they reach my cells more efficiently. Thus a higher percentage of the inositol is absorbed into my bloodstream, allowing me to experience its potential benefits to the fullest. Plus, bioavailability is crucial when it comes to supplements. With liposomal inositol, I get a significant increase in bioavailability compared to regular inositol. The liposomes act as carriers, shielding the inositol from degradation in the digestive system and ensuring that a higher amount of the nutrient is available for my body to use effectively. Another reason I favor liposomal inositol is its potential for targeted delivery. The liposomes target certain tissues or organs, allowing for a more precise and efficient delivery of inositol where it is needed most. This targeted approach could potentially enhance the therapeutic effects of inositol and optimize its impact on my overall health and fitness goals. Inositol can be a relatively unstable compound, which affects its efficacy over time. However, with liposomal inositol, the encapsulation within the liposomes provides an added layer of stability. So, the inositol remains protected from external factors such as light, heat, and oxygen, ensuring its potency for long periods. This stability gives me confidence that I am getting the full benefits of inositol throughout the duration of my supplementation. While liposomal inositol may come with a slightly higher price tag, I believe the superior absorption, increased bioavailability, targeted delivery, and improved stability make it a worthwhile investment for my health and body.